Supporting Returning Citizens in Their Transition Back to Civilian Life through Career Development


NIS Group is dedicated to aiding returning citizens as they transition back into civilian life by providing comprehensive career development programmes. Understanding the unique challenges faced by individuals re-entering society, NIS Training offers tailored support focusing on skill development, employability, and long-term career success. Our mission is to empower returning citizens with the tools and opportunities to rebuild their lives and achieve sustainable employment.

Tailored Training Programmes for Returning Citizens

Foundational Skills Development

Basic Skills Training
NIS Training offers courses that cover essential skills such as literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy. These foundational skills are critical for any career path and help returning citizens build confidence in their abilities.

Life Skills Workshops
These workshops focus on practical life skills, including financial management, effective communication, and time management, which are crucial for successful reintegration into society.

Vocational Training and Certifications

Construction Skills
Courses such as the Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS), Site Management Safety Training Scheme (SMSTS), and Site Supervisors’ Safety Training Scheme (SSSTS) provide returning citizens with the qualifications needed to enter and progress in the construction industry.

Health and Safety Training
Comprehensive health and safety courses ensure that individuals understand workplace safety protocols, reducing the risk of accidents and increasing their employability in various sectors.

Job-Specific Training

Tailored Vocational Courses
NIS Training offers job-specific courses that align with the interests and career goals of returning citizens. These include training in areas such as plumbing, electrical work, carpentry, and rail operations.

Certifications and Licenses
Training programmes help individuals obtain necessary certifications and licenses, making them qualified candidates for specialised roles.

Comprehensive Career Support

Career Counselling and Guidance

Basic Skills Training
Individualised Career Plans: Career counsellors work one-on-one with returning citizens to create personalised career plans that align with their skills, interests, and goals.

Job Search Assistance
Support with job searches, including resume writing, interview preparation, and job application processes, helps individuals secure employment.

Mentorship and Peer Support

Mentorship Programmes
Experienced professionals and former returning citizens provide mentorship, advice, support, and encouragement throughout the training and job search process.

Peer Support Groups
Peer support groups create a sense of community and provide a platform for sharing experiences, challenges, and successes.

Partnerships with Employers

Employer Engagement
NIS Training collaborates with local businesses and industry partners to create job placement opportunities for returning citizens.

Work Placements and Internships
Practical work placements and internships provide hands-on experience, allowing individuals to apply their skills in real-world settings.

Flexible Learning Options

Blended Learning

Online and In-Person Courses
NIS Training offers a combination of online and in-person courses, allowing individuals to learn at their own pace and according to their schedules.

Modular Learning
Courses are delivered in modular formats, enabling learners to build their skills incrementally and tailor their education to their needs.

Accessibility and Support

Supportive Learning Environment
NIS Training ensures a supportive learning environment, with access to tutors, counsellors, and resources that help returning citizens succeed.

Financial Assistance
Guidance on accessing financial assistance, including grants and funding opportunities, helps alleviate the cost of training.

Success Stories and Impact

NIS Training has a proven track record of helping returning citizens achieve successful transitions back to civilian life. Testimonials from programme participants highlight the positive impact of the training, the quality of instruction, and the comprehensive support provided. Many returning citizens have secured stable, high-paying jobs in construction, rail, and other industries, demonstrating the effectiveness of NIS Training’s approach.


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